Monday, May 07, 2007

nutters and mentals and the like

I've moved home and started work and haven't even managed to unpack all of my shit but I am already feeling the pang to update. I'm not actually "working" yet, but please enjoy a sample of these terms and definitions copied out of an old library book I discovered and devoured while bored in the training room this afternoon:

From Drug Language and Lore by Richard E. Hardy, 1975

Bush: 1. marijuana 2. female pubic hair 3. Afro hair cut

Chippy: 1. a nice looking girl, generally with low morals 2. a prostitute

Hippies: those who like to associate with jazzmen, many of whom are drug users

Hustling drawers: underwear which is made with pockets and is reinforced so that merchandise can be slipped into them for shoplifting purposes

Nut city: a mythical place in which anyone feigning insanity is said to live (my favourite!)

Pack your keister: to hide a condom of narcotics in the rectum

Quality Joe: a person not addicted to narcotics

Roll: to attack either a weaker person or a drunk for the purpose of lifting his wallet

Square: 1. a nondrug user 2. lame


Blogger Sarah-Joyce said...

Only you would come across such a book. How do you do it? Perhaps we are simply the sun over your own private Nut City.


7:17 PM  

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